Terms & Conditions

We believe in trust and that is why it is important that you know who we are. SO HERE ARE OUR DETAILS:

  • AGA Legal Design (a lcompany based in Medellín, Colombia)

  • Registration Number: In process

  • Directors: Alejandro Gómez Alvarado y

  • Registered Address: Wework KM 5 Av las Palmas

  • Telephone: + 57 (3158871616)

  • Fax: Seriously?

  • Email: alejandrogomez@legaldesign.com.co

  1. (Pllleeeease) Don’t spam us – we don’t like unsolicited marketing email either. Please don’t use our email addresses on this website to send marketing information to us.

  1. Emails to contactenos@agalegaldesign email addresses are business emails – please don’t send personal emails to our contactenos@agalegaldesign email addresses, unless you don’t mind other agalegaldesign employees having access to it (for example when we are on leave).

  1. OUR IP IS OUR IP – we worked long and hard to come up with the right website which shows how legal terms can be more accessible without losing their function. This means that we own the text as well as the images on our website (intellectual property (IP)). We are generally happy for people to link to our website – just please ask us first (by email). We promise to respond quickly.

  1. Not legal advice – WE DON’T GIVE LEGAL ADVICE FROM OUR WEBSITE – you have to contact us (and pay us) if you want to rely on what we say. (Have you ever wondered why everyone always says this? It’s because the context really can change the advice. This means we ALWAYS have to know your circumstances before we can give you good advice. This also means that if someone is giving you legal advice without asking about your circumstances you are probably looking for trouble).